As I look back on this journey, I find myself re-thinking why I started this.
Was it therapy?
Was it to help others?
Was it to find closure?
All of the above. But it was also a huge learning curve. I found out so much more about myself and others then I ever imagined.
I had many people say to me, how brave they thought I was. I didn't think I was brave for doing this. I just wanted to finally write it down. I figured it might help others.
Along the way as I dove into the realms of my memory (its amazing what you can dig up when your not even trying), I made a pretty cool realisation.
On week 4 I wrote this:............
- 1st Born (breech birth! says alot about my character ;-) )
- Strong willed
- Independant
- Bolshey
- athletic
- Leader
- 2nd Born
- Patient
- Quiet
- Book Smart
- Compassionate
- Can eat like a horse!
That was my sister and I as kids.
Life changes you. You grow up, learn new skills, become influenced by others around you (good or bad), and your character changes.
Today I coach kids in a different country. I am my own boss. I strive to learn a new skill each year to move me forwards in life, and I try to live life to the fullest.
If I had to write down how I am as a person now it would be:
- Strong willed
- Independant
- Bolshey
- Athletic
- Leader
- Patient
- Quiet
- Book Smart
- Compassionate = ME
This journey taught me a valuable lesson, my Sister has been with me every step of the way. Over time, she has instilled in me the qualities that made her such a wonderful person.
I can pinpoint each time I learnt these lessons. They were not 'given' to me until she felt that I was ready to accept them. Granted my traits still far out weigh her's, but i am learning ;-)
So really, I'm still very much an identical Twin, you just can't see my other half, but I can certainly feel her.
She is and always will be with you