Saturday, 4 July 2015

Did you know that the state of Ohio, US has a town called Twinsburg?  Each year in august for 3 days, twins of all races, ages and nationalities converge on this small part of Ohio to celebrate being a very unique individual.
I say individual because although we looked very much alike, we were nothing of the sort.

  • 1st Born (breech birth!  says alot about my character ;-) )
  • Strong willed
  • Independant
  • Bolshey
  • athletic
  • Leader 
  • 2nd Born
  • Patient
  • Quiet
  • Book Smart
  • Compassionate
  • Can eat like a horse!
We grew up in a house where our parents separated, and we stayed with Mother. This was hard at the time as we wanted to be with our Father. Thankfully over the years he always moved to a house that was close by so that we could visit whenever we wanted and also see our other sisters.
I grew up with traits very similar to my Mothers, whereas Michelle inherited the more docile traits of my Father.
Summers were spent together either at my Mums work places getting into trouble or outside, getting into trouble.
We were separated at school. Though in junior school with an open planned layout I always found a way to get my sisters attention during the day, just to make sure she was ok.
Lunch-times were spent together walking around hidden in our coats playing ET. Well our version of it anyhow. Or when it was particularly wet or cold, joining both coats together and becoming 'invisible'.  The scoop of the imagination when you get to share it with another is so cool!
Swimming in the pool we would go 'Treasure hunting', between peoples legs, sign language, pretending that we were searching for some long lost treasure ship or chest.
Outside in the woods, building camps, fishing for minnows, making fairy gardens. The fun was endless with a buddy to do it with.

They say Twin DNA is very similar but the genetic traits can end there. The few times that we were together at school we would argue. Whether on a school trip or actually a shared classroom.  But that's the point. WE can bitch to each other, WE will sort it out and then be best friends. But if anyone ELSE attacks my sister, your head is going to roll!  Two against one is not an even fight, even if Michelle was the more docile one. Im her sister, she is the only one allowed to shout at me.
There were a few times that I still remember that I didn't like myself for the way I treated Michelle, but Sister's do horrid stuff to each other. Really though, Sisters or Brothers should be there to protect each other, support each other and always be around for each other.

If anything has shown us through history, that can not always be the case. Though a Mother's instinct is to protect her children, that does not always happen.

T + M

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